The human heart yearns for contact - above all yearns for genuine contact. Dialogue is at the heart of the human. Without it, we are not fully formed - there is a yawning abyss inside. With it, we have the possibility of our uniqueness, our fullness and our vulnerability.
— Rich Hycener
Therapy and Supervision
As a Gestalt Psychotherapist my focus is on making genuine contact with you. Together we will explore in depth your relationship with your situation, whether that be at home, in the community or in your workplace. If you are experiencing personal difficulties, we will work together to explore these as in relation to the whole of your experience. What is your responsibility and what belongs elsewhere? What needs to happen to make a positive difference to the quality of your experience of yourself, others and the situation?
I am not interested in diagnosing or labelling you. I am committed to being fully present and real with you in order to enhance your awareness of yourself and your situation. I provide a safe, confidential space, where I will listen deeply to you as a whole person, and share my own awareness and moment by moment experiencing, in service of your awareness. Together, we will explore how we impact one another. Sharing in this way provides us with opportunities to try something out together, to fine tune your awareness and expand your range of responses to others and your situation. We will be creative together and experience ‘a-ha’ moments, when you feel, see and recognise yourself fully. Such moments open a gateway to new possibilities.
I don’t know what’s happened to me today! I’ve been in fighting spirit all day. I don’t know what you do during our sessions, but I’ve felt empowered and I’ve done things I never do!
(Email from client May 7th 2021. Published with their permission)
Unfortunately, I am currently not able to take on any new long term clients.